Creative Dapto – NSW


On Tuesday 1st May, I had the pleasure of running an Adobe Day at Dapto High School in New South Wales.


Dapto is located just south of Wollongong, NSW between the mountains and Lake Illawarra. The school is part of a community that has a focus on creativity which was the theme of the day.

Dapto High Assistant Principal and Adobe Education Leader Darcy Moore, organised this special day which began with me addressing the whole school assembly.

The rest of the day involved activities with a group of about 35 students from a mix of year levels chosen because of their interest in multimedia and their leadership potential. The aim of the day was to create a series of video stories based on the theme – What does Creativity mean to you?

The students worked in groups with Adobe Spark Post and Adobe Premiere Pro to produce their stories. At the end of the day about 30 members of the teaching staff met with a few of the students to see what they had a achieved and took part in a professional learning event about the importance of creativity in education.

Special thank you to Darcy Moore and the students and staff from Dapto High for a wonderful day of digital creativity.